
Here you can find

.... others who are learning German with GLS in Berlin, and also Germans learning other languages. You can contact everybody after logging in.

20 years old, from Guatemala
With GLS in Germany
Language course in Berlin
24 years old, from United States (USA)
With GLS in Germany
Language course in Berlin
35 years old, from Germany
With GLS in Spain
Language trip
19 years old, from Germany
With GLS in Italy
Language trip
20 years old, from New Zealand
With GLS in Germany
Language course in Berlin
40 years old, from United Kingdom (UK)
With GLS in Germany
Language course in Berlin
21 years old, from Turkey
With GLS in Germany
Language course in Berlin
20 years old, from Turkey
With GLS in Germany
Language course in Berlin
37 years old, from Argentina
With GLS in Germany
Language course in Berlin
26 years old, from South Korea
With GLS in Germany
Language course in Berlin